Monday, June 2, 2008

Not much happening!

May 27 - June 2

Not much excitement on the home front this week ...............although the appearance of some very strange names in the comments section here got the pulse racing until some sleuthing gave the first an identity......confirmed by Merrie's introduction. So........hi to you both in Canada, nice to meet you and be assured the beer fridge is never locked. Imagine if Alan lost the key!!!!

On the subject of introductions, everyone say hello to my friend Mouse who has bravely ventured out of her hole to eek hello.

Progress this week.............well, the front entrance tiles have been cleaned off...........haha, never realised I'd caught the old fella sneaking by.

The molehills have disappeared and the ponds have been concreted. Rocks have been delivered for the surrounds and waterfalls and "a structure" in the process of being built which provided some entertainment for the racing cronies who gathered here on Saturday. Is it........
.........a diving platform outdoor bar
.........a karaoke stage

Who prizes are offered for more imaginative speculations.

Alice is back to her old self after having several teeth removed...........yep, no doubt the vet is laughing all the way to the bank. Marj continues to enjoy her new environment and even took a dive off the boards into the pond. Smudge calls in every few days to say hi and Sox bin Laden continues to terrorise.

Hope you're enjoying your long weekend.............those who have one!

P.S.............I have driven the new car!


NZ Toomeys said...

Holy Moly - the pool is way too shallow for the diving platform! I can just visualise the injuries now!

Sena will be most happy about the karaoke stage.

Monique said...

What was the verdict on your first drive of the car? JIM